Birmingham Heritage Festival Canceled

Does anyone remember when the Birmingham Heritage Festival used to be held at the Alabama State Fairgrounds? I'll never forget that hot August summer when my sister, my cousins and I went to see The Whispers and O'Bryan. That was so long ago, I can't remember any of the other acts. I do remember how hot it was being outdoors in the sun with all those people. The fair was in operation, so you could ride the rides between acts. We finished the day by getting in trouble for calling my mom too late to pick us up. That was back in the days when you actually had to use a pay phone to make a phone call. It was our cousin's fault that we waited so long to call, but my mom didn't buy it. However, we weren't allowed to go anywhere else with that cousin in the future.
This year's event, scheduled for August 14-16, has been canceled, but you can still stop by your local library to check out some CDs. Most libraries will send CDs to other locations, so if you don't find what you are looking for, you can place it on reserve.