eBooks Available Through JCLC

Overdrive logoDownloadable electronic books (eBooks) are now available for checkout at www.jclc.org. Up to five eBooks may be checked out with a valid library card for seven, fourteen, or twenty-one days. Download titles to a PC or MacIntosh, or an e-Reader such as the Sony Reader, the Barnes and Noble Nook, or Borders Kobo eReader. The Amazon Kindle and Apple iPad are not compatible for the library service.

The digital eBook collection was started by the Hoover Public Library. There are currently 698 titles to choose from, but the collection is expected to grow as more libraries in the cooperative add more eBooks.

For a list of compatible eBook readers, click here.


Anonymous said…
Do you have plans to make these ebooks compatible with Kindle readers? My understanding is that Kindle is the most widely used reader.
Tressa Fancher said…
Barry, I'm trying to find the answer to your question and will post it when I have one. I also have a Kindle and would like to be able to check out these eBooks.
Tressa Fancher said…
From our JCLC director: "That is up to Amazon and if they eventually allow their titles to be used on other formats. I think they will eventually."

Barry, eventually Apple allowed iPod users to download Overdrive's audios. Hopefully Amazon will follow the same route.