Book Review: Attitudes Aren’t Free: Thinking Deeply about Diversity in the U.S. Armed Forces

by Barbara Hutto, Government Documents

Att<i></i>itudes Aren't Free
Attitudes Aren't Free
James E. Parco and David A. Levy

Even though the focus of this book appears in a military setting, the suggestions can be used to build teams in any large work environment. Learning to work together effectively minimizes the disadvantages posed by a group’s large size by focusing on collaboration to complete tasks. Civilian organizations benefit equally by reducing waste of materials, energy, and time. To promote these recommendations, it is essential that every team member feel they are a respected, valued part of the team.

People come together from many walks of life to serve our country so the military reflects the demographics of our modern society. Individuals from many different religions, sexual preferences, races, lifestyles, and ethnic groups possess different perspectives. To be successful the military must merge these different individuals into one team to meet the goals set down by U.S. armed forces. In a series of essays, Attitudes Aren’t Free addresses individual differences through practices that forms a cohesive whole to defend our national interests. The authors do not cover all aspects of each issue but explain how their approach promotes the best teams for the military.

These essays focus on using the perspective of the “other” as a way to draw on the strength of diverse views on topics. How can participants open their minds to the possibilities of what each individual offers to form a cohesive whole that’s truly greater than the sum of its parts? This book provides strategies for starting-point discussions that promote an understanding from the perspective of the “other.”

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