The Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture—Landscape of Transformations: Architecture and Birmingham, Alabama

Reading the landscape and buildings of Birmingham the way other historians read a written document, Dr. Michael W. Fazio explores the major events of Birmingham’s civil rights struggle by looking for meaning in the buildings, streets, and landscapes where these events took place. He examines the Magic City’s industrial development, the rise of suburbs, and the role of its most important feature, Red Mountain, in both helping create and divide the community. Dr. Fazio will discuss and offer for purchase his new book, Landscape of Transformations: Architecture and Birmingham, Alabama. Birmingham native Michael W. Fazio is professor emeritus in the School of Architecture at Mississippi State University.
Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture—Landscape of Transformations: Architecture and Birmingham, Alabama
Central Library, Arrington Auditorium
Wednesday, January 19
Free and open to the public
Each January since 2004, the Birmingham Public Library Archives has sponsored the Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Lecture. With a particular emphasis on encouraging new approaches in the study of civil rights and human rights, these lectures have featured historians, activists and, civil rights participants.
is really good.