Final Poetry Slam Workshop

Poets, aspiring poets, and poetry clubs in grades 9-12, and teachers are invited to participate in the final free spoken word poetry workshop at the Birmingham Public Central Library (BPL) on Saturday, January 8, 2:00-4:00 p.m. The session will be held at the Central Library in the Arrington Auditorium. If this is your first foray into spoken word poetry, or you’d like to take your skills to the next level, sign up. Planning to participate in the next BPL Word Up! contest? Now is the time to hone your skills. Space is limited. Call 226-3670 or email to reserve your spot. Free of charge!
The Desert Island Supply Company (DISCO), a nonprofit writing program based in Birmingham, and Real Life Poets, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to mentor young adults, encourage good communication, and oratorical skills using spoken word poetry will conduct these free workshops.