Exhibition of Artwork by New ASCA Fellow Will Jacks Extended through Friday, June 28

Will Jacks, Joshua Tree - San Bernardino County, California (detail) 
Wheatpasted photo-collage on wood, 96'' by 96'

Due to popular demand, artist Will Jacks’ striking exhibition of photo-collages has been prolonged for an additional week at the Birmingham Public Library. The exhibition opened on May 3 and will be on display in the Fourth Floor Gallery at downtown’s Central Library through Friday, June 28. 

Earlier this month, Jacks was honored with a fellowship from the Alabama State Council on the Arts, which it awards to outstanding individual artists and arts educators in Alabama to provide support for the creative growth of their careers. 

Rabbit, rabbit is Jacks’ first solo show in Birmingham and represents the first time the 22 featured works have been exhibited. Joshua Tree - San Bernardino County, California is the largest photo-collage in the exhibition. Almost reaching the ceiling, it makes a magnificent impression as one enters the Fourth Floor Gallery from the Central Library’s third floor. 

Will Jacks’Joshua Tree San Bernardino County, California
as seen from across the Fourth Floor Gallery

While ascending the staircase up to the gallery, the visitor has the chance to view the piece first from afar and then closer up (see the first image), thus appreciating a double perspective of the photo-collage in a very short space of time. Jacks describes part of the process he uses to create this type of “double perspective”…

“Scale is achieved by collaging smaller prints together to form a larger collective. Edges are misaligned— from a distance, they appear to connect perfectly, but upon closer examination, their imperfections emerge. Lines are askew, pieces overlap and overwhelm one another, and patterns break down. Yet, they hold their projection if you stand far enough away." 

This distinguishing quality may be observed in all the works on display in rabbit, rabbit. If you haven’t yet visited Jacks’ impressive show or would like to experience it again, please stop by the Central Library between now and next Friday, June 28. The exhibition is free and open to the public. 

Read more about Will Jacks and rabbit, rabbit in this blog written by BPL’s PR Director Roy Williams. Rabbit, rabbit is made possible by a grant awarded to the Friends Foundation of the Birmingham Public Library from the Alabama State Council on the Arts. It is curated by Paul Barrett and Margaret Splane. 

Will Jacks, A Snake in the Pole Barn - Bolivar County, Mississippi
Wheatpasted photo-collage on wood, paint, 24” x 48

About the Artist

Will Jacks is a process artist best known for his photographic work. He also incorporates explorations with land, objects, sound, video, and community engagement into his practice. His research examines the blurred areas between art and journalism, individual and collective, and the impact of each on the other. Jacks’ first monograph documents the juke-joint Po’ Monkey’s Lounge, which serves as a prism for examining cultural tourism and preservation and the complexities prevalent in both. It was published by University Press of Mississippi in October of 2019, and for this work Jacks was recognized by the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters  for outstanding achievement in photography. In 2020 he completed an MFA in Studio Art from the Maine College of Art, followed by an MA in Journalism from the University of Mississippi in 2021. Jacks is an Assistant Professor of Art / Photography at Troy University. 

By Margaret Splane| Library Assistant III, Community Engagement & Fundraising
Will Jacks, No Trespassing - Marshall County, Mississippi
Wheatpasted photo-collage on wood, paint, 24” x 72”
