Math: A Building Block Of Life...And The Build A Multiplication Device Program
Math...many kids think it is the bane of existence while in school. I remember attending the class with dread. Math and Science are often the two subjects that students tell me they require tutoring for as well.
Of course, I now realize how important math is and often encourage any students that come into the library to treat it with less dread than I did. Yet, many times the response is, "Why should I? It's not like I'm going to need to know anything I'm being taught...
The short answer to that question is yes, even if it is the answer we least want to hear.
Just on an everyday basis, math is how we budget our accounts, pay our bills, keep time, and make sure we're not ripped off if we must borrow money. And that's just the everyday things.
It becomes even more necessary if you look at the jobs that people might pursue. Here is just a small list of job types that need math:
- Engineering
- Biomedical and Health Services
- Insurance Agents
- Real Estate
- Airlines
- Travel Agents
- Accounting/ Banks/ Economists
- Education
- Meteorology
- Programming
- Business
- Animation
- Game Design
- Architecture/ Construction
- Welding
This is just a small range of jobs that require math skills, even if they require different levels of it. So yes, math is needed.
One of the most important skills of math may be multiplication. Multiplication is the groundwork for other maths, such as algebra, calculus, equations, and more.
Yet, many students struggle with learning multiplication. That is why we want to host an online program for students in grades third—sixth.
Build A Multiplication Device will take place on Friday, May 13, on Zoom from 4:00—5:30 p.m. Students will build a device that will help them learn multiplication. Students will learn about multiplication, math properties, and linkages in building.
There will be ten people max in the program. If you wish to register your child, please fill out this link. Registration will end Sunday, May 1, at 6:00 p.m. The building kit will be sent to whichever Birmingham Library location you choose for pickup.
Zoom links will be sent after registration.
This program is sponsored by the Infymaker Grant from Infosys Foundation, which awarded the Birmingham Public Library $10,000 for STEM programming. #InfyMakers #WhyIMake #makered
If you are interested in books that might support your child's education in these subjects, please use the following links: