Meet Brittaney Jenkins, Presenter of October 17 BPL Health Misinformation Talk

Brittaney Jenkins has had a passion for  educating the public about health issues since even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus created a worldwide health crisis over three years ago.

On Tuesday, October 17, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Central Library in downtown Birmingham, the founder of Birmingham's Jenkins Public Health Consulting LLC will present a free workshop "The Infodemic Age: Addressing Health Misinformation and Disinformation." You can register for this informative talk by clicking on the link in this blog or on the flyer above.

In a Q&A with the Birmingham Public Library, Jenkins shared what inspired her to start Jenkins Public Health Consulting LLC in 2018 and gave more details on what she will talk about during her seminar.

BPL: Brittaney, I love the title of your talk "The Infodemic Age: Addressing Health Misinformation and Disinformation"- for those unfamiliar, what is the "infodemic age'? 

Jenkins: The "infodemic age" refers to the rapid and widespread of information, particularly through digital and social media platforms, often leading to an overload of information, including accurate or inaccurate. The term gained prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw a major surge in information about the virus and its impact.

BPL: When COVID-19 first hit the world in 2020 misinformation/disinformation was rampant. Does it still exist three years later - if so why?

Jenkins: Misinformation and disinformation are terms used about the validity of information and the intent behind the information shared and were an issue to society before COVID-19. The challenges of finding reliable health information, specifically about COVID-19, still exist three years later. Research shows that people continue to struggle to find trusted sources for vaccine information, especially those with certain health conditions.

 BPL: What can attendees expect at Tuesday's seminar? 
Jenkins: During Tuesday’s seminar, we will discuss the difference between misinformation and disinformation, how it negatively impacts relationships between communities, health professionals, and health institutions, and engage in an interactive discussion that will empower attendees to read and share accurate health information.

BPL: What are some of the most common health myths that exist today?
Jenkins: There is an endless amount of health myths that exist today across various health disciplines. A common myth is that one can contract a sexually transmitted disease using public toilets, which is false, as STDs spread through sexual encounters or skin-to-skin contact. 

Another common myth is that birthing persons who have a cesarean section must have cesarean sections for future births. This one is a more complex myth as there are certain conditions that the birthing person must meet to have a safe vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC). However, the belief that a cesarean section is always required after a cesarean is a myth. Individuals should connect with a healthcare provider to discuss questions about their health and also seek a second opinion. 

BPL: What led you to found Jenkins Public health Consulting LLC - and what do you do?
 Jenkins: My passion for founding Jenkins Public Health Consulting®️ stemmed from the environments in which my family and I resided. I am an Indiana native, and it was extremely dangerous growing up in neighborhoods that lacked the public health infrastructure and built environment for my family to enjoy the outdoors or safely walk to the grocery store.  

My grandparents later introduced me to philanthropy, and through those life-changing experiences, I sought to pursue a degree in nursing as I knew I wanted to help people. Once I began working at the local hospital in Indiana, I noticed patients of all ages were there for preventable chronic diseases, injuries, and deaths. I wanted to do more to prevent them.

I changed my degree from nursing to public health to become an advocate and support health and safety organizations in helping to prevent chronic diseases and injuries, and 10+ years later, I still have a burning passion for public health.

 Jenkins Public Health Consulting®️ has been in operation since 2018, committed to advancing the mission and impact of health and safety organizations nationwide. We do this through consulting and training that supports their strategic initiatives to achieve health equity, amplify their impact with strategic partnerships, and improve community connection.

Our past clients include the National Association for County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the Texas State Department of Health, the Don't Drive Drowsy Foundation, and others local to Birmingham. We also work with individuals currently working or pursuing a role in public health to help accelerate their growth through our mentorship program, executive coaching, and internship opportunities.

 BPL: Anything else to add?
 Jenkins: We invite health, safety, and wellness directors and CEOs to connect with us through a 30-minute strategy call (view our calendar at to learn more about the organization and discuss current efforts. Also, please connect with us on LinkedIn (Brittaney Jenkins, BS, CHES®️) or Instagram (jenkins_publichealth)
